Total number of people that filled out survey = 49*

*many filled out the questionnaire on behalf of their family

  • 80 percent of the people surveyed want organized community based activities

  • Mental health issues were the most common issue (60 percent) chosen amongst the “most important health issue in the community”

    • Other issues – aging, obesity, chronic diseases

  • Lack of Physical exercise was the most unhealthiest behavior identified by community members

  • Organized walks (63 percent) was the most common community based activity that community members were interested in.

  • 38 percent expressed Zumba as a community based activity that they would be interested in

  • 48 percent of participants report to eating only 1-2 servings of fruit / vegetables in a day

  • Nearly 70 percent of participants expressed email / website as a preferred way of communication



  • People believe that lack of exercise is the unhealthiest behavior in the community. 

    • Yet, 46/49 people have exercised in the past two weeks 

  • Mental health was the #1 health issue 

    • Only 2/49 people wanted mental health counseling but could not get it 

      • Thus, it seems that despite access, mental health is a big issue 

      • Followed by: aging, chronic disease, and lastly obesity 

  • 44/49 people have had an annual physical 

    • Yet only 8/49 people rank their health as excellent 

  • Most people want town walk and Zumba events 

  • Best way to reach people is through email 

Below, you can view how many people voted for each answer choice for each question. 


As a part of the New Jersey Mayors Wellness Campaign, the Old Tappan Board of Health is starting an initiative to improve the overall wealth and wellness of OT residents. Please take the survey below. 

Please identify the most important health issues in our community (check all that apply) 

⃝  Aging issues, such as Alzheimer's disease, hearing loss, memory loss or arthritis (23/49)

⃝  Chronic Diseases: diabetes, hypertension, lung disease, stroke etc. (19/49)

⃝  Mental health issues such as depression, hopelessness, anger, etc. (29/49) 

⃝  Obesity/overweight  (12/49) 

Please identify the unhealthiest behaviors in our community (check all that apply) 

⃝  Angry behavior/violence or Domestic Violence (7/49)

⃝  Alcohol Abuse/Smoking or Drug Abuse (17/49)

⃝  Lack of exercise (28/49)

⃝  Poor eating habits (16/49)

In the last year have you had an annual physical exam (Circle Yes or No) 

Yes (44/49) / No (5/49)

In the last year, was there a time you needed mental health counseling but could not get it? 

Yes (2/49) / No (47/49)

In the last two weeks, did you participate in deliberate exercise, (such as, jogging, walking, golf, weight-lifting, fitness classes) that lasted for at least 30 minutes or more? (Circle Yes/No)

Yes (46/49) / No (3/49)

On a typical day, how many servings of fruits and/or vegetables do you have? 

⃝  None            ⃝  1-2   (24/49)          ⃝  3-5    (15/49)             ⃝  More than 5 (5/49)

Where do you get most of your medical information? 

Doctor (26/49)      Internet (14/49)       

How do you rate your health? 

⃝  Excellent (8/49)

⃝  Very Good (27/49)

⃝  Average  (14/49)

⃝  Poor 

Would you be interested in organized community based activities? (Circle Yes or No) 

Yes (39/49) / No (7/49)

(From previous question) Check the one's you'd be interested in: 

⃝  Town based organized walks (31/49)

⃝  Dog walks (9/49)

⃝  Yoga/Zumba (19/49)

⃝  Talks about health and nutrition  (18/49)

⃝  Weight management information (8/49)

How would you like the town to inform you of initiatives?

⃝  Flyer (7/49)

⃝  Email (34/49)

⃝  Phone/Text (11/49)

⃝  Newsletter (16/49)